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Korg Kronos Tutorial: Save and load a single song in the Kronos
Korg Kronos Tutorial: Save a song file (.SNG) as a standard MIDI file (.MID)
Korg Kronos Tutorial: KSC auto load
Save SEQ Korg Kronos
Korg Kronos Tutorial: Load the factory programs and combinations using the PRELOAD.PCG file
Kronos Tutorial: Adding Samples To An Existing KSC File
Korg Kronos Tutorial: Loading Single Combis (and Linked Programs)
Kronos 101: Kronos Essentials - 12. Combi Mode Overview
Korg Kronos Tutorial: Copy virtual pad settings
Korg Kronos Sampling Tutorial: Create Programs Using Custom Samples UserBank.KSC
Korg Kronos Tutorial: Convert a song file (.SNG) to a wave file (.WAV)
Installing KRONOS EXs93